School Advisory for October 2, 2023

October 2, 2023 | Information Office

The Management Committee received several requests from parents for the School’s decision on the appropriate learning modality provided that a number of students are sick.

Given that we are two weeks away from the Quarterly Assessment, ManCom decided to continue with onsite classes. Students with cough, colds or fever shall be advised to stay at home this week.

Class materials shall be posted in their respective Google Classroom for students to browse and view on their own from their homes. They shall be given reasonable time to accomplish the tasks they missed as soon as they come back to school.

While onsite classes provide an authentic and effective learning and assessment experience for our students, we also cannot compromise everyone’s health while in school.

We shall resume the wearing of facemasks inside the school premises for everyone’s safety on October 3, 2023 (Tuesday). Everyone is asked to bring their own facemasks and practice proper hand hygiene at all times to avoid catching the virus.
Keep safe always, Titans!