Frequently Asked Questions for the End of School Year Rites for S.Y. 2019-2020

June 4, 2020 | Reggie Clyde Delosa

On the Graduation and Recognition Rites
Will there be Graduation and Recognition Rites for S.Y. 2019-2020?
No. The Management Committee decided not to hold Graduation and Recognition Rites for S.Y. 2019-2020 since communal gatherings are highly discouraged for the entire duration of the pandemic. However, these shall be done virtually. Videos shall be posted through our Facebook page. We shall announce when these shall be posted soon.

How can we receive the medals and diplomas?
The medals and diplomas may be requested from the School Registrar when the concerned authorities shall advise resumption of regular communal activities.

Students should come to Springdale with their parents to claim the medals and diplomas for documentation purposes.

Grade Computation.
How are the Fourth Quarter grades computed?
The written work shall comprise the scores of the actual activities done in the classroom and the average final grade of the First to Third Quarters.

The performance task outputs shall be submitted through the school’s learning management system: GENYO Accounts for Elementary and Junior High School students and Google Classroom for Senior High School students.

The score of the quarterly assessment shall be derived from the average final grade of the First to Third Quarters.

Please note that this only applies to S.Y. 2019 – 2020.

How are the Final Grades computed?
The Final Grades shall be computed normally by getting the average of the first, second, third and fourth quarters.

Releasing of Report Cards.
How can we receive a copy of the Report Card?
We shall release the softcopy of the Report Card upon explicit request of the parents through their son’s Class Advisers. Parents may send their son’s class advisers a private message for this reason.

You shall be advised when these shall be available through our online channels (i.e. Facebook page and Viber Community).

What can we do if our son fails a class/es?
You are advised to closely coordinate with your son’s concerned teacher for the schedule of remedial sessions and validation examination. Please take note that these are subject to teacher’s discretion.

Also, all remedial sessions and validation examinations shall be done online in accordance with physical distancing measures.

Admissions for the S.Y. 2020-2021.
How can we enroll in Springdale for S.Y. 2020-2021?
We have prepared a revised Admissions Guidelines to address physical distancing measures. You may view this link.

Will there be entrance exams for new students? How do we go about it? When is the schedule?
The entrance examination shall be administered when

Personal Formation.
How shall mentoring chats be done in S.Y. 2020-2021?
PAREF has encouraged us to continue conducting mentoring chats through online channels, such as video calls (through Zoom, Google Meet, Messenger, etc.) phone calls, or any convenient communication tool agreed between the mentor and the mentee or their parents.

How are we doing Parent Seminars (such as New Parents Education Program, School for Parents, etc.) in the coming school year?
We are still studying how to deliver the usual seminars we have in Springdale to be offered online.

Transactions in Springdale.
How can we request for official school documents and certifications from the School Registrar?
School documents may be requested through the Registrar by sending an email to

How can we settle our financial obligations to the School?
Our School Cashier shall be unavailable to physically receive your payments in Springdale.

To ask for your withstanding school fees, please send a message to To verify your payment, you may send a message to

Transaction receipts shall be issued when local authorities allow schools to open.

Upon the resumption of School operations, what are the safety protocols shall be implemented by the school?
Parents and visitors may only come to Springdale for necessary transactions. Please observe the following safety precautions:

  1. Allow the security guards to take your body temperature upon entry.
  2. Please sanitize at the designated sanitizing stations.
  3. Wear your own face mask at all times inside the School premises.
  4. Please observe physical distancing inside the campus.
  5. We have designated Gate 2 for visitor entrance and Gate 3 for visitor exit.