High School Graduation 2022 | Address from a Father

June 23, 2022 | Reggie Clyde Delosa

Mr. Kendrick Sulay addressed the school community on behalf of the parents of the graduating batch during the Commencement Rites held at the LH Foundation Gymnasium of PAREF Springdale School last June 11, 2022.

To our esteemed PAREF Board of Trustees, Executive Director, Mr. Ric Ampiloquio, and to all the Management Committee, members of the faculty, our dear graduates, parents and guests, good evening.

As they say, all of the things that can transform a person, nothing can set the soul on fire like life purpose. Success is what drives us. Although for the undriven ones, it may just be a mirage. some accursed trick of the sun. But for those who are driven, it is a magnificent oasis that leap before them.

Life’s purpose is our compass. It becomes our beacon, an illuminating light as we traverse the winding road of life. So find your purpose, because it is the quickest way to achieve success.

It is human nature to strive for success. And for us parents, the yearning becomes too full, our own success and that of our children.

I guess all the parents here would agree that parenting is a very difficult job. If our grip tightens, they might feel overwhelmed and stifled. On the other hand, if we loosen our grip, and give them too much freedom, they might lose direction and go astray. True enough, it takes a village to raise a good child. And therefore, we need all the help we can get.

Sending my children to PAREF was an easy decision for us to make. PAREF’s educational philosophy embodies the ideal we would want our kids to be equipped with – physical, social, intellectual, moral, and spiritual well-roundedness.

My wife and I believe that success will just be within easy reach if the personal characters of our children are molded holistically. We are most impressed with how PAREF has successfully infused effective dynamics between and among parents, school and students in building and molding achievers, well-rounded ones at that. A sharp mind, a good heart, and a strong moral foundation should always go hand in hand.

In a world where it’s so easy to get lost, where gazillions of choices and options lay before us, we need to have a steadfast grip on what we really want, on what our goals are, and the direction of our goals should always be steered and guided by Christian and moral compass.

If our life roadmap is unclear, if our spectacles are fuzzy, if our Christian core values are compromised, then we might wander and rumble aimlessly and lose ourselves in the process.

I totally agree with Father Gerry’s Homily, in the Baccalaureate Mass, stressing on how unfair life can be. We will face struggles and setbacks along our journey but what matters most is how we handle each disappointment, each hindrance, and each temptation.

It’s so easy to stay positive if things are going our way. But when things go south, we tend to lose sight of what is right and good. May we bear in mind that our circumstances will not define us, but our actions in tackling or obstacles will.

So stay sacred to your core. Anything away from your true self is a mockery. Do everything from the heart because everything that comes from the heart is good and everything from a good heart will never lead you astray.

The road to success is often an unpaved one, dusty, encrusted, muddy, rugged, and oftentimes, impossible. But if you find the courage to brave the elements, the impossible road, it will lead you to beautiful destinations. So take life head on, completely geared up with a sound mind and a good heart.

I fervently hope that each one present here will imbibe the teachings and learnings you have accumulated all throughout your stay in this institution. Put all the values inculcated in each one of you into good use. Make your school proud. Make your parents proud. Always have a clear idea on what your intentions are in doing what you do. Do everything with a clear purpose. It all boils down to intention. And I pray that each intention you come up with will be guided by your core values, Christian values.

When I started our business way back in 2005, my only intention was to grow the business to help support and meet my family’s basic needs. I was just 24 years old. When I started the business. I flew alone to China, just a few thousand in my bank account hoping to start about business. I went there excitedly, but dreadful at the same time that I might just end up going back home bringing along with me a mere can of maling. Thank God, I was able to bring home not only a can of maling but a whole lot more, including the possibility of my dreams turning into reality. And fast forward to a couple of months after my intention to provide for the basic needs of my family has met a thousand fold.

As the business grew, my intention has shifted – to help others by providing jobs and improving as much lives as he can. It was not an easy feat, and is still not an easy one. The responsibility can still be daunting at times, but my intention keeps me going. My intention continues to fuel my desire to help and be of service to others.

There is no exact formula to success. Nothing is set in stone. But what I believe to be true is if you pour your whole heart in whatever you do and seek God’s guidance always, you will go far, farther than what you’ve ever imagined and hoped for.

Don’t be afraid of failure. Accept every failure with a humble heart. Because it is meant to help you learn and grow. This is what failure does to you. It makes you see what you still need to do more and give more.

So, before I end my talk, let me share with you my favorite piece of advice that I always give to my children: Do the right thing no matter how hard it is. I know that navigating through life is already challenging as it is but no matter how many times we fail and stumble. Always choose to do what is right.

May we all make our stay here on earth worthwhile. Make every breath count. Once this truth is ingrained in our heart and souls, the rest of our bodies will simply follow.

So I challenge not only my children, but the rest of the graduates here to always do what is right. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy. In fact, sometimes it’s really hard. But just remember that doing the right thing is always right.

Congratulations, boys, and good luck to all of you. Thank you. ##