2023 Address from a Father – 23rd Commencement Rites (Elementary Department)

June 18, 2023 | Information Office


Kenneth Raymund King delivered this speech on behalf of the fathers of the graduating class during the 23rd Commencement Rites of the Elementary Department held at the LH Foundation Gymnasium of PAREF Springdale School last June 10, 2023.

Dr. Payod, Fr. Nonong, members of the School Board and Management Committee, teachers and staff, parents, family and friends, and our dear graduating Elementary students, good day!

You may be asking yourselves, “What’s that guy doing up there?” I, honestly, am wondering myself. But after the Handog Pasasalamat activity, Mr. Jabone approached me and handed me an envelope. At first, I thought it was a solicitation letter. However, to my surprise, it was an invitation to give an inspirational speech on behalf of the parents. Sus! Solicitation letter nalang unta toh, kay mas sayon!

Truth be told, I don’t know why I was tasked to do this. I wasn’t the best student, nor am I the most successful or influential, as there are parents here who are definitely way better than me. So, I can only assume that it’s because I am the most vocal and unabashed/shameless parent in this batch (in other words – pinakabagag nawng). But regardless of the reason, I am humbled by the opportunity. So please bear with me, as you have no choice.

We, as parents, are incredibly proud of your hard work and dedication that has brought you to this milestone – your graduation. As you prepare to move on to high school, we want to share with you some virtues that we hope you will carry with you wherever you go. But before I tell you what these virtues are, allow me to thank your moms and dads for helping me come up with these important virtues. I received a laundry list of suggested virtues from them, but the three that stood out were: Kindness, Humility, and Diligence. So, with your parents’ permission, these are what I will talk to you about.

First, Kindness. We urge you always to be kind. In a world where negativity seems to dominate, kindness is a powerful force that can change lives. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in making someone’s day, and can even change the trajectory of someone’s life. As Mother Teresa (St. Teresa of Calcutta) once said, “I can do this you cannot, you can do things I cannot; but together we can do great things.” Through kindness, you have the power to change the world. So, make it a practice to ask yourself every day, “What can I do today to make someone happy?”

Second, Humility. We ask you to approach life with humility. Recognize that you have much to learn, and be open to new experiences and perspectives. Always be willing to ask for help and admit when you are wrong. As C.S. Lewis (author of the Chronicles of Narnia) said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less.” Don’t be afraid to ask questions, as there are no stupid questions. Remember that there will be much less hand-holding in high school and definitely, none in college. By staying humble, you will continue to grow and develop as a person.

Finally, Diligence. We encourage you to be diligent in doing your work as students and pursuing your passions. Whether it be academics, sports, music, or anything else, give it your all. Hard work and dedication are essential to achieving your goals and dreams. As Thomas Edison (inventor of the light bulb and motion picture camera) famously said, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” If you work hard and stay focused, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

In closing, we want to give you one final piece of advice. Never forget your school motto: Bene Omnia Facere (Do all things well, for the greater glory of God). Always remember that you are capable of great things. You have the ability to make a positive impact on the world, and we have no doubt that you will. Congratulations on your graduation, and we can’t wait to see all that you will accomplish in the future, of course, with the help of God and Mama Mary.

We, your parents, will always be here to love and support you as best we can.

Good morning and Cheers!