- We are one of the few remaining single-sex schools (all boys and all girls schools) in the country.
- PAREF Schools recognize and emphasize the varied learning psychology of boys and girls, which is confirmed by recent studies in learning and cognition.
Parents as primary educators
- The home is the first school of learning and virtues.
- Being primary educators of their children, the school involves the parents in the total development of their children..
Home-school collaboration
- Parents are explained of the School’s philosophy, vision, mission and goals before their sons are accepted in the PAREF system. They are empowered to take on leadership and managing roles as they spearhead level activities such as Father and Son Outings, Father’s Day, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, etc. Parenting seminars and activities enable them to do their part well in raising their children to become good persons.
- The involvement of the parents in the school’s personal formation program makes the big difference in determining its successful implementation – a key factor which the school has recognized from the very beginning.
- The School is also deliberately looking after the mental wellbeing and family time of the students. Thus, the Students Daily Load is constantly monitored by the respective Head Teachers.
- The presence of parent coordinators lends a touch of home within the academic community. This practice engages parents not just in a superficial way, but as a very important part of the whole school structure. Parents are actively engaged in school affairs which is also aligned with the School’s thrust on family formation.
Mentoring program
- This is a unique feature in all PAREF Schools: families are assigned to a school personnel who chats with them regularly for the academic and personal development of their children.
- The mentoring program supports the curricular program since these sessions may be used to discuss situations and events which may not be clear with the parents (especially on the school’s educational philosophy).
- The mentor acts as a mature friend for the students who aid them in character development by providing relevant advice for the boys, and practical tips for human development (i.e. academic, moral, spiritual, social).
- The mentor is the parents’ active partner in their son’s character formation. He ensures that there is alignment of values at home and in school.
The educational philosophy of PAREF Springdale School is inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá on two main ideas – (1) integral education; and (2) parents as the primary character educators of their children.
Integral education develops a child into a well-rounded individual by forming all aspects of her person—the physical, social, intellectual, moral, and spiritual—in an atmosphere of love for the truth as well as respect for the dignity and freedom of the person. Thus, students are taught not only to master the necessary knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in the workplace, but also to form deep convictions that will help them to lead coherent Christian lives and to contribute positively as members of their family, the nation, and the world.
The education of children is, first and foremost, the responsibility of parents. Therefore, collaboration and partnership between the school and the home are essential to ensure the student’s holistic development which helps him achieve his potential and direct them towards doing good.